Professor Meredith Rossner

PhD (Criminology and Sociology)
Deputy Director, Research School of Social Sciences, Criminology Program Leader, Centre for Social Research and Methods
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Criminology 1602
  • Courts And Sentencing 160203
  • Criminological Theories 160204
  • Law And Society 180119
  • Legal Institutions (Incl. Courts And Justice Systems) 180120
  • Sociological Methodology And Research Methods 160807

Research interests

  • Restorative justice
  • Emotions and criminal justice
  • Online and virtual courts
  • Lay participation in justice
  • Juries and jury deliberation
  • Courts and tribunals
  • Architecture, technology, and justice
  • Sociology of punishment



Meredith Rossner is Deputy Director, Research School of Social Sciences and Professor of Criminology at the Centre for Social Research & Methods at the ANU. Her research focuses on emotions, rituals, the built environment, and technology in justice practices.  Past and current projects include investigations into the emotional dynamics of restorative justice, therapeutic courts, the role of courtroom design on access to justice, and the use of video technology in courts.  Meredith has published widely in the field of restorative justice, including Just Emotions: Rituals of Restorative Justice (OUP, 2013).  She is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Restorative Justice, a member of the Canberra Restorative Community and the Oceania Network of Restorative Practice for Sexual Harm.   

Researcher's projects

Current and past research projects examine the increasing use of video technology in courts. I was the independent evaluator for the UK Ministry of Justices pilot of online courts. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the video hearings pilot was a world-first attempt to have a hearing with no physical courtroom.  I am also part of a project funded by the Canadian Social Sciences and Hummanities Research Council on the use of automation and other technologies in the justice sytem. Previously, I have conducted research funded by the Australian Research Council on courtroom architecture, technology, and access to justice and on interpreters in court. 

I also have an active program of research on restorarive justice and other justice innovations.  My research has been funded by the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, the ACT Justice and Community Saftey Directorate, and the Australian Institute of Criminology.  I have advised the UK and the NSW government on best practice in restorative justice, and am part of a community of pratice and research on restorative justice in response to sexual harm.  

 My book, Just Emotions: Rituals of Restorative Justice (OUP, 2013), is available through Oxford Scholarship Online,

I am a part of the Court of the Future Network, an international collaboration of academics, architects, technology experts, judges, and court administrators who research developments in court design, technology, security, and well-being.     

Partial list of publications at



Current student projects

Reynol Cheng (panel) 'Restorative justice and youth justice in Taiwan.'

Bethany Muir (panel) 'Virtual Courts and Backgrounds: How Background Cues Shape Impressions and Decisions.'

Theodora Putri (panel) 'How do judges and the institutional design of the Indonesian court system respond to women in criminal justice proceedings.'

Hannah Roberston (chair) 'Risk and violence is technology-facilitated dating'


Past student projects

John Taggart (panel) 'Examining the role of the intermediary in the criminal justice system' (LSE)


Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  09 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers