Dr Tinh (Jimmy) Doan

PhD in Economics, MA in Development Economics, BA in Banking and Financial Services
Research Fellow
ANU College of Health and Medicine

Areas of expertise

  • Labour Economics 140211
  • Health Economics 140208
  • Applied Economics 3801
  • Public Health 4206

Research interests

  • Population health
  • Aging population health and employment
  • Labour market, human capital and employment
  • Working and well-being
  • Household economics
  • Program/intervention impact evaluation
  • Microeconometric modelling


Tinh (Jimmy) Doan has a background in Applied Economics. He received his PhD in Economics from the Waikato University, New Zealand in 2011. His PhD thesis focuses on impact of microfinance on human capital formation for the poor in peri-urban areas.

Prior to joining ANU, he has worked for governmental departments in New Zealand. At Ministry of Social Development, he worked as a senior analyst, focusing on business planning, business intelligence, business performance framework development, business performance reporting and monitoring, data mining, modelling and conducting data analyses on social welfare and other social issues, labour market and economic analysis. He was a member of Waikato Regional Executive team. At Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in Wellington, he worked as a research analyst for Research, Evaluation and Analysis team. He had worked with very large and complex datasets from the Longitudinal Business Database/Integrated Database Infrastructure developed by Statistics New Zealand to look at NZ firm performance, productivity, FDI, and competition. Key projects were NZ firm competition, productivity, firm internationalization (FDI, export, import) and R&D. He also worked on sector performance, R&D and tax incentive.

Apart from public sector roles, he was also a Research Associate at the University of Waikato where he had joined research with the university colleagues and supervised PhD students. In addition, he has been a fellow and advisor for the Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam. 

His key research interests include health economics human capital, labour market, productivity, social welfare, population health, working and well-being, and family time use and health behaviours/health outcomes.

At ANU, Dr Doan's research focuses on time uses, gender inequality, health behaviour and health outcomes. His current projects are on time uses, time constraint, gender time inequality and their effects on health and wealth in the short and long terms. He also currently works with a La Trope University team on the project "The Great Disruption of COVID-19: Re-imagining the work-family interface".


Researcher's projects

Currently I work as part of an interdisciplinary team of academics on a Discovery Research Project “Addressing the hour-glass ceiling: New case for action on gender equality”. This project aims to quantify the underlying and uncounted time limit affecting gender equality in health, wealth and the labour market, laying the foundation for new policy action.

I currently work with Amanda Cooklin's team (La Trope University) and Liana Leach on the project "The Great Disruption of COVID-19: Re-imagining the work-family interface".

I was a co-investigator on a Project with RMIT "Conversation about life, health and safety: Social supports for young construction workers' health and safety"

Tacking indigenous smoking in Australia was another project I got involed, I mainly worked on modeling and data analysis on evaluating impact of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalance and smoking behaviours. I also worked on and interested in socioeconomic determinants of smoking and smoking behavours.

I also worked for a joint project with Monash University, KPMG and Commonwealth Department of Health on impact of Covid19 on mental health, and a project on Tackling Indigenous Smoking.


Past projects:

ARC Linkage grant “Working longer, staying healthy, keeping productive”. The project aimed at investigating the complex longitudinal relationships between work participation, work conditions and hours, social and gendered disadvantage, income, savings and mature age workers’ productivity and health. 

The project investigated a major social, economic and policy challenge – how to design productive work that accommodates older workers’ health needs in ways that are fair and feasible. I contributed to strengthening and maintaining the Centre’s research leadership in social inequality, labour markets, time and health, by leading and supporting the collection and analysis of quantitative data.

Digging Deeper: Exploring the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on social connectedness and mental health

In 2021 and 2022, I work in collaboration with Commonwealth Department of Health, KPMG and Monash University on project "Mental Health Modelling and COVID-19" to look at psychological distress and mental health service use during the COVID-19 outbreak in Australia using MBS, PBS, the Census, National Health Survey, tax data (Australian Tax Office) and social welfare benefit data (Department of Social Services), linked together in the Multi-Agency Data integration Project (MADIP) Datalab infrastructure from Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

Stage 1 (2021): Modelling effects of Covid19 on mental health distress and mental health service use, Australian Commonwealth Department of Health.

Stage 2 (2022): Modelling effects of Covid19 on mental health distress and mental health service use, Australian Commonwealth Department of Health.


Available student projects

Employment, socio-economic factors, time constraint, domestic unpaid work and time allocation between partners, food consumptions, sleep, physical  activities, weight gains/BMI and other health outcomes. Students (preferable master and PhD students) who are interested in these topics are welcome to discuss further research topics.

The key research aspects:

-Socio-economic determinants of health

-Causal relationship estimation 

-Inequality in Health and health behaviour

-Time use, health behaviour and health outcome

-Employment and health


PhD candidates if you have a close research topic to my field of research, you can discuss your proposal with me, but you need to  apply via "NCEPH-Study" <study.nceph@anu.edu.au>. If your research areas are not closely related to my field, please contact the admission office (email above).



Current student projects

Getenet Dessie Ayalew, PhD candidate: Double and triple burden of malnutrition, its socio-economic determinants, learning and health outcome and community views among children in Ethiopia from 2015-2024 in Ethiopia: Evidence from a National Sample.

Jia Kia Foo, PhD candidate: mental health- and suicide-related help-seeking behaviours in Chinese-speaking individuals in Australia. 

Jennifer Ervin, PhD candidate (University of Melbourne): precarious employment and mental health

Past student projects

Sleep and health outcomes. This project was conducted by Medical student Max O'Sullivan.

Sleep quality and mental health in working Australians. This project was conducted by Master Student Jia Kai

Work intensity and workers' sleep. This project was cpnducted by Sai Lyons, Master of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology (MAE),

Getu Debalkie, PhD candidate: Socio-economic disparities, health risk factors and non-communicable diseases in Ethiopia

Binh La, PhD candidate, the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Religion, income, and happiness– an empirical study in Vietnam. The aim of this study is to examine the determinants of religiosity and the association between religion and happiness, and between religion and income among the rural people in Vietnam. Key focus of the study is to look at whether religious belief have an association with happiness among Vietnamese people and relationship between religion and income among Vietnamese people.

Loi Tran, PhD, the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Farmers’ participation and irrigation performance – a case study in Vietnam.


Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  08 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers