Professor Vladimir Canudas Romo

Professor, Head of School of Demography
ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Demography 1603
  • Mortality 160304
  • Applied Mathematics Not Elsewhere Classified 010299
  • Population Trends And Policies 160305
  • Demography Not Elsewhere Classified 160399
  • Epidemiology 111706
  • Public Health And Health Services Not Elsewhere Classified 111799

Research interests


-           Causes of death modeling and forecasting remains among my most deep interests. I believe the future rise in life expectancy will still be heavily dependent on public health interventions, as it was the case in the past (sanitation, living standards, clean water, health-education, etc). However, also medical innovations will have a central part of this change. Demography, and more specifically the study of mortality by causes of death, will be at the center of this debate helping experts of other fields disentangle the contribution of the new advancements in both public health and clinical practices.   

-           Demography has a central role in the public debate because it informs about existent “Disparities” in populations. In the mortality/health research by causes of death mentioned above, I am also interested to study disparities occurring in time trends, for example the disproportional high levels of homicide mortality in Latin America, or existent mortality disparities among subpopulations, for example the mortality of people with mental disorders. Analyzing the mortality disparities among different education, social and other subpopulations is also a key part of my work. 

-           Formal demography or the existent mathematical relations between demographic measures is also at the core of my interests: I would intend to continue developing new demographic measures and methods that help explicate the observed population phenomena in humans.





I hold a bachelor in actuarial Sciences and mathematics (UNAM, 1993-1997) and master in population studies (FLACSO, 1997-1999) both from Mexico. I received my PhD from a joint collaboration between University of Groningen (1999-2003) in the Netherlands, and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Germany. After that, I was awarded the Dewitt Wallace posdoctoral fellowship from Population Council to work at the Pennsylvania State University (2003-2005), USA. I worked as a research scientist (2005-2007) at the Department of Demography, University of California Berkeley, and from 2007-2013 I worked as Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA, and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. As Associate professor, I joined in 2013 the Max Planck Odense Centre in Denmark, and in 2017 the School of Demography at the Australian National University. 


Researcher's projects

Life Expectancy among Disease-Diagnosed (LIFE LEFT) project. By analysing national linkage data, we will identify gaps in longevity between those diagnosed and the general population. The outcomes of this project will inform people with disorders, healthcare providers and decision-makers regarding exact life expectancies and, thereby, generate information on diseases, which ought to be addressed more comprehensively.

The Australian Human Mortality Database (AHMD) was created to provide detailed Australian mortality and population data to researchers, students, journalists, policy analysts, and others interested in the history of human longevity. We are looking for partners in academia, government and industry to help us extend and further improve The Australian Human Mortality Database (AHMD) with data. If interested in a collaboration, please contact Vladimir Canudas-Romo.


Recent Publications

  • Scott, T, V Canudas-Romo. (forthcoming). Decomposing theDrivers of Population Aging: A Research Note. Demography 
  • Houle B, CK Kabudula, SA Mojola, FX Gómez-Olivé, D Gareta, K Herbst, SJ Clark, J Menken, V Canudas-Romo. 2024. Mortality variability and differentials by age and causes of death in rural South Africa, 1994 – 2018. BMJ Global Health
  • Adair T, B Houle, V Canudas-Romo. 2023. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on life expectancy in Australia, 2020-22. International Journal of Epidemiology, dyad121,


Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  08 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers