Dr Denise Angelo

ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
T: 0423 434 101

Research interests

I have a longterm research interest in describing "shifting langscapes" at a local level, and have worked in Kriol-speaking communities in the Katherine region of the Northern Territory, as well as many sites throughout Queensland and the Torres Strait with contact language ecologies. My research focuses on changing broad and underdifferentiated narratives about language contact into localised, community-generated descriptions. As such I have initiated a number of community-based investigations into local contact language ecologies in Queensland which have resulted in visual representations of the local vernacular (e.g. At da Crick, a poster in Yarrie Lingo). This work includes detailed linguistic description of local contact languages. Other aspects to this research include detailed historical research to reveal specific factors which have led to distinctive features in local varieties, as well as the documentation of changes afoot in intergenerational and current communication technology usages.

An associated line of translational research involves the place of speakers of contact languages educational and other policy responses for students and communities. The local constellation of languages, the local language ecology, is of particular interest here, as it represents a mechanism for understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people's uses and experiences of languages in daily life and mismatches between service provisions and individuals' language repertoires. For example, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school students speaking English-lexified contact language varieties undertake their schooling through English-medium instruction in "mainstream curriculum". I am interested in how these learners' second language acquisition trajectories differ from those with first languages which are clearly separated from the target, including the invisibility of their language backgrounds, their multilingualism and additional language learning pathways in school curriculum, effective pedagogy and assessment validity. I collaborate with Dr Catherine Hudson in this education research.



Projects and Grants

Grants information is drawn from ARIES. To add or update Projects or Grants information please contact your College Research Office.

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Updated:  09 July 2024 / Responsible Officer:  Director (Research Services Division) / Page Contact:  Researchers